Top Onsite Factors for 2012

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Onsite factors play a role in ranking your site in the SERP’s. The question that most people want to know is what onsite factors they should spend more time on, and which ones are the most important for your site. I have created a list of the top onsite factors for the future, which I feel will have the most effect on your rankings.
1. Content
Good content is what people are looking for whenever they search on Google. If your page is optimised for a certain keyword, but your content is not up to scratch, then you will still be faced with a high bounce rate which I will touch on further down in the article. Your content needs to be good quality and also unique. Duplicate content, as we all know, is something that Google hates and you do not want to see your site get penalised for this.
2. Title Tags
Title tags are usually the first thing people will see when they are looking at the results pages and it also draws people to click on your site. A title tag for a SEO website that just has your company name in e.g. “” will not get as many clicks as a title tag like “Search engine marketing company –”. Some general rules for your title tag is to keep it under 70 characters to avoid it being cut off with “…..…” in the results page.  Basically, your title tag should consist of your brand name and keyword, with the keyword coming in front of your brand name.
3. User Friendliness
The layout and usability of your site is a critical factor to keep in mind. If a user has come to your site and they can’t find their way around it, they will leave and try to find a better site that is more user friendly. If a person leaves your site because of this, then you will have an increased bounce rate and low time on site figure in your analytics. This will give Google the impression that your site is not really all that valuable. Try to make sure your sites layout is easy to follow by adding breadcrumbs and good menus that won’t leave visitors frustrated.
4. URL Structure
Something that looks messy and also gets frowned upon by the search engines is a long and untidy URL structure.  A URL structure like this, will lose every time when compared to Having a keyword in the URL will increase your CTR which automatically tells Google that the page is important for the keyword the user searched for – and hence helps you in the rankings. This is also effective for when you are link building and somebody offers you a link to, what I call, a naked link. This is a link that is just the URL of the page and no specific anchor text. Your link will still be of some value if the keyword is present in the URL.
5. Internal Linking
The best place to start a link building campaign is at your very own site. Internal links are the easiest links you will ever gain. These links will help you mostly with ranking deeper pages on your website, or just getting them noticed in the first place. In link building, you may find it extremely hard to get somebody to link to a deep page so internal links should be your first option.
6. H1 Tags
A great title tag coupled with a H1 heading that is just is good will give you excellent results. The H1 heading is the next thing people will see once they click through to your website. Even though people only look at this H1 for probably 2 seconds, the search engines look at it for a much longer time.  A page about vehicle tracking should basically have the words vehicle tracking in the H1 heading as well. This might seem like common sense, but many sites have overlooked this in the past or failed to create a suitable and effective one for their pages. It is bestthat your H1 and title tags differ slightly, even though they have the same keyword.
There are many other factors which Google could take into account, but I feel that these are the most important to start off with for your website.

Throw Away Your Form Letters (or Five Principles to Better Outreach Link Building)


Throwaway Your Form Letters (or 5 Principles to Better Outreach Link Building)
I'm sitting on an air mattress in my new unfurnished Brooklyn apartment listening to the sounds of the city out of the window after a long day of client meetings. At one point I was thinking "Man I wish I bought that ugly sofa from Ikea so I'd have something to sit on" and next thing I knew I was considering the Tao of Outreach Link Building.
I know, I know. Outreach link building is hard. It takes time. You send 1000 emails and end up with seven links but I believe that's largely because most search marketers approach link building the wrong way. In fact I'm going to declare right now that link building should be the easiest and most fun part of SEO.
Yep, I said it but wait, let me finish before you head to the comments to tell me why I'm wrong.
First, let me say that I love where we are moving with link building as a community especially with the stuff the King of Link Building, Justin Briggs, has been giving us lately. In fact what I have to offer for your consideration is very much an expansion on Dan Deceuster's new perspective on link building.
There is often a lot of talk about who to target and how to find them but there isn't much about how you get their attention, sustain it, close the deal and maintain the relationship. With the exception of what Justin spoke about in his Link building webinar, most recommendations revolve around building form letters and tailoring them a little more depending on the target.
The following are 5 principles that I have identified and streamlined to improve my link building success rate from about 20% to around 80%
In my experience, this is the least effective method to engage in outreach link building. The following are five principles that I have identified and streamlined to improve my link building success rate from about 20% to around 80%.
Talk to People Like People
Talk to People Like People (Throw Out Your Form Letters)
Search Marketers tend to think of link building as obtaining a link from a website. Truly link building is speaking to a person and convincing them to take a real world action that is beneficial to you. Link building is cast as a very impersonal process where we use the various methods to identify link targets, write a form letter and fire away expecting that the return on these outreach emails will be so low that it doesn't make sense to spend time on them.
Honestly, even just reading that back makes me think of how counterintuitive the process is.
Everyone reading this post has been subject to some sort of Email, Twitter, Myspace, Facebook spam. Hell, even Barack Obama and his friends have been spamming me for five years now (ok I opted-in but wasn't my vote enough – stop spamming me!). Think for a second, how do you react to spam? You erase it or ignore it of course. Even as an owner of various sites people often contact me asking me for links or offering me SEO services and such – with form letters that never get opened. Here's one I received since I started writing this post:
A spam email example
Certainly not a link building request but I imagine it's not far off from how many Search Marketers are writing their link request form letters.
If this is up for debate I challenge you to go on a dating site like and copy and paste the same form letter to 50 women. I guarantee a low rate of response and the girls that do respond aren't going to be the ones you wish responded.
People can usually sense a form letter immediately. Dare I say it? No, I'll let my homey Link from Legend of Zelda tell you.
Context is King
I myself had failed many times using the same approach to link building (not with women, of course). Then one day I realized that the link building strategies I was taught are counterintuitive to everything I've learned as someone who has had to network across various fields whether it be my Search career, in music as a performer and booking agent or as a generally (somewhat) social person. Be warned, my approach requires a genuine interest in people. Here goes:
  • Opening– Linkbuilders are typically very heavy handed and send an email that basically says "hey I have this site will you link to me because of x,y,z?" The only thing that I attempt to accomplish with my first email is an engaged response. I never bring up the idea of wanting something from this person until later in the email or tweet thread; the same way I wouldn't walk up to a girl and say "you're hot, let's have sex because I'm cute, I drive a luxury car and I have an apartment in a cool part of Brooklyn!" I keep my opening correspondence short, engaging and contextual to something that person has tweeted about or written on their site/blog.
Quite simply people love to know their work has been enjoyed, viewed, absorbed so actually take the time to read it and strike up a conversation about something you truly find interesting. As marketers we are taught to optimize one message that appeals to many people; there is simply no place for that in effective outreach link building.
In the following example I'm building links for the official Transformers 3 movie site (not that this would ever happen because those sites are always powered by Paid Media).
The Old Way of Link Building:

Link Fails at Outreach Link Building
Subject: Link Request
I am contacting you to request a link to from your site. We have trailers, downloads, exclusive video and a gallery. Visitors can also find information on movie times and buy tickets online.
I see that your blog talks about Transformers and I think visitors of your site will find this content very useful.
Please link to using the anchor text "Transformers" or use the following code: Transformers.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your time and careful consideration.
Transformers Web Team
While I don't doubt that some Link Builders have some very spiffy form letters much better than this, most of the time they still come across just as sterile as the above.
The New Way of Relationship Building:
Link's Great Opener
Subject: Power Rangers, Are You Serious?!
Hey Zelda,
I just read your awesome post where you compared Voltron and Power Rangers to Optimus Prime and crew. Not sure if I agree that the Power Rangers could have taken out Megatron in the first film. I mean honestly, they had trouble with giant bears on their own show!
Truthfully, I think Voltron would make short work of all of them. Speaking of Voltron have you ever seen this hilarious live action spoof?
Anyway I'm curious to know what you think of the new Transformers film. Give me a shout when you get a chance!
Link of Hyrule
Transformers Web Outreach Team
Option two is clearly stronger and was even more fun to write. Creating context allows me to hit more touch points to elicit a response. Also the engagement is all about opinion and sharing thus framing the conversation as just that – a conversation rather than a link request.
  • Sustaining – Sustaining is all about keeping the conversation going, building a rapport with this person and offering something of value. Most people will be tempted to jump the gun at this stage and just ask for the link right when the person responds. This is not the way to go because then your original correspondence appears to be a thinly-veiled link request, which it of course is but that is the mindset we are trying to eliminate.
In this stage it is good to have some content to share that this person may be interested in. It could be related to the site you're trying to get a link for or it could not, the important point is that you demonstrate that you are worthwhile resource of some sort whether it be for entertainment or educational purposes. Not only does this build trust but establishes context. This phase can continue as long as it takes for you to actually develop a relationship. In fact let's just rename link building "relationship building."
Continuing with our robot cartoon blogger example:
Link Sustains
Hey Link,
LOL Link, that video was hilarious and thanks for reading my post but there is noooo way that Voltron could take out the combined power of the MegaZord!! I'm not even sure Voltron could take out the GoBots!
I haven't actually seen the film yet. Do you actually work on the Transformers site?
Princess Zelda
Zelda thinks Link is worth talking to

Princess Zelda,
The GoBots? Zelda, you're killing me! The GoBots were a cheap rip off of the Transformers they should not be typed in the same email as Voltron! I bet you preferred Silverhawks over Thundercats too, didn't you? HA!
Anyway, yep I sure do work with the Transformers web team. Do you have any interest in seeing the film?
Link of Hyrule
Transformers Web Outreach Team
Link is about to Close!
Hey Link,
LOL, you just keep making me laugh. Silverhawks?! I didn't think anyone remembered that cartoon. It was pure redux of Thundercats just as bird people!
I definitely do want to see the new Transformers film! Can you hook a princess up?
Princess Zelda
Notice how the suggestion of value causes the link target to become further engaged and it sets up the link request as a natural progression in this case in exchange for tickets.

  • Closing – The key thing in this phase is to only pull the trigger on asking for a link after context and value are established. The link request then becomes an aside to the correspondence rather than the entire correspondence.
At the end of our sustain phase Zelda, our Robot Cartoon Blogger, has taken the bait realizing that the link builder potentially has something of value to her and then puts the link builder in a position to close the link deal. The nature of the conversation puts Zelda in a position where she is comfortable enough to make the request so when the link builder requests the link it is natural for him to ask for something in return.
Link Makes a Friend and Closes a Link
Princess Zelda,
Hmmm...well I don't make it a habit to do this, but since you have such good taste in cartoons....
Sure, I can get you two tickets to see the film in your local theater, but in return can you write a review or write another one of your great articles and link back to our site?
If that works just shoot me your closest theater and I will send you a Fandango confirmation code for your tickets.
Also are you on Twitter? I'd love to keep up with the stuff you are posting on your blog!
Link of Hyrule
Transformers Web Outreach Team
Just like that, we've just built a link just from talking about your favorite cartoons. The challenge and the fun is in finding something that interests both of you and using that information to build a relationship. The less you have to offer in the form of incentives the more sustaining and rapport building you will need to do in order to build the link. Do not think that this method only works with incentives. Value can be established in many ways when building a relationship.
A caveat that I should offer here is that it is painfully obvious when this approach does not work because people will not reciprocate the engagement. It might result in a simple "thanks for reading" response in which case you can decide whether you want to do more research to identify a different touch point and try again or to just move on to someone else. As you begin to adopt this process I'd say plow through but soon you will be able to spot a lost cause.
Standout In the Inbox
Standout in the Inbox
How do you feel about spam? Probably the same way you feel about telemarketers. When people can tell by their caller ID that a telemarketer is calling they don't pick up the phone. By that same token if they can tell an email is spam, they avoid it.
Never send an email with "Link Request" or something to that effect in the subject; they are doomed to never get opened. You want to take an indirect approach because you don't want the link target to decide before ever seeing what you had to say; this is the Trojan Horse of link building. Trojan Horse in the classic sense not a virus.
Let's go back to the email I mentioned earlier in this post. Here's my inbox on that day:
My Inbox

Notice that this email was the only one out of all the other spam that was opened. It was clear exactly what every other email was however there is some mystery as to what the "let's work together" email was about. It appeared natural and it stood out to me because it looked like someone requesting some sort of collaboration. It has a real name and the subject was in lower case. It resembles the emails I receive from people that want to send me beats or hire me to guest appear on their albums.
Obama tricks me into clicking his emails pretty often too. I don't always look at who the emails are from when I get them but most of my friends use short email subjects (like the following) that cause me to click through:
Obama inbox

Even when I do look at the Sender name it might be a quick glimpse to make sure it's a person and not a company or It was my assumption that other people reacted this way when I started to apply these principles and therefore the improvement in response rate is the only thing in the way of science I have to show for this.
However what I can show you is an example of a subject fail straight from the inbox of my fellow Philly to Brooklyn SEO transplant John Doherty:
1-800 Contacts Form Letter Fail
1-800 Contacts clearly runs some sort of CRM software for these types of emails and either someone was asleep at the wheel or they input the fields the wrong way. This could easily happen to you in a program like Link Assistant. Don't be that person. However judging by the format of the sender and subject fields it is highly unlikely that these emails will have an open rate worth talking about.
I'm sure there are more comprehensive studies on email optimization but to summarize:
Tips for Standing Out in the Inbox:
  • Keep Subjects Short
  • Keep Subjects Natural
  • Do Not Use "Link Request"
  • Send Emails as a Person (Not as a company or a "web team")
  • Include a Natural Salutation (The first line will appear next to the subject)
Do Your Research
Do Your Research
I don't want to encourage you to stalk your targets your targets. Bloggers and webmasters are certainly not the most private people in the world and therefore have shared their thoughts, favorite music, films, travel plans and other endless minutia about themselves online for years – use it to develop your context for the initial email.
User data drives models of people for targeting our broad messaging, it only makes sense to use user data to create context for our specific messaging.
Don't get caught up in the whole romantic comedy "OMG I manipulated you but it turns out I really love you and I wish I could take it all back" aspect of this. Think of it as a way to increase your odds of relating to someone the same way that a girl in WuTang shirt would make me ask if she was at the Raekwon concert in Prospect Park last weekend (Shout out to John Doherty, Tom Critchlow, Rob Oursey and his wife!). Again, Context is King.
Choose something that relates back to the content that the person had written about on their own site. The subject should be something that you can relate to, offer insight on and speak at length. So if I'm doing link building as illustrated in the example I might check Zelda's Facebook, Twitter, and Last.Fm and I might weave a conversation about how Voltron was actually created after Power Rangers contrary to popular belief and the stance of her blog post. Then I might end the email with something to the effect of "wouldn't Radiohead be a great choice for the Voltron soundtrack?" Now we have a conversation that is still in context if only tangentially to the topic at hand.
Researching your targets turns link building into a video game – with a strategy guide.Offer Value
Offer Value
We tend to think of link building in terms of "what can this site offer me?" rather than "what is it about my site that will be interesting or useful to this webmaster or blogger?" or "what of value can I introduce this person to?"
Depending on where you are contacting them from part of offering value can be just in the fact that you have reached out to this person. It's important that if you are working for a client with some sort of reputation in the space that you are building links for that you obtain an email alias on their domain. For example if you are doing link building for SEOmoz then you should have an SEOmoz email address. So if you are following up with a blogger who has written a review about SEOmoz's software offering then they feel as though their voice has been heard by the company. Make sure your signature is reflective of their company's location so they recognize they are speaking with a real person and not something automated.
In a lot of cases you may not be link building for someone reputable so it's important that you share something of value with this person. Perhaps you have a link to some content important to the niche that hasn't been seen by too many people – share it with your link target. Maybe an awesome video has just floated around your office and you are actively going back and forth over email -- toss it in there. Maybe you just have an interesting story that you can share with this person or anything. Failing all that it's very important to have any client provided incentives.
The bottom line is approaching link building the same way as when you meet one of your friend's friends and your efforts will be more effective.
Maintain the Rapport
Maintain the Rapport
No one likes to be used. Therefore it is important to maintain an active rapport with your new friends otherwise if you only contact them when you need a new link they will be less inclined to help you out. Twitter is the perfect place to maintain this rapport. Follow your newfound friends and encourage them to follow you and be sure to retweet their links and engage with them from time to time so you are in constant contact. What the both of you tweet continues to generate context so even if you faked your way this far (which you won't if you have a genuine interest in people) you can easily start the process again based on their latest tweets.
Is this scalable? Well, it depends how much information you need to sift through to find a hook for the person you're reaching out to. Once you go through this process enough times it takes little more than the time it takes to uncover a buried email address. However outreach link building isn't the place you need to be looking for scalability to begin with.
The benefits of this approach are two-fold. 1. Your link building becomes more effective and while you may not reach out to as many people, you will convert a lot more of the people that you do. 2. You are building a rapport with many people that you can then activate in Social Media as it becomes more of a ranking factor.
Link building is viewed as an arduous task that no one really wants to engage in and it really shouldn't be. Link building is really an opportunity to make friends throughout the web and Social Media. Perform your link building as a marksman rather than a drive by shooter and you will see better results.
Context is King. Link Building is dead. Long live Relationship Building.
Also you'll be happy to know that I now have a bed, a desk, a chair and a dresser. Definitely give me a shout if you're ever in Brooklyn!
Oh yes...almost forgot the infographic. Go easy on me, it's my first one!
Link's Tools of the Trade Infographic by iPullRank

Time Machine Pick: Google vs. Facebook in 2012: How Is the SEO World Changed?

Let’s play a game. Let’s pretend that one of our talented employees developed an Internet time machine and traveled forward in time so she could copy and paste an article that we will publish on our blog in February 2012 – seven months from now. Sadly for me, her program collapsed before she could check out some news sites and peruse the stock market. Sigh… foiled again.
But her trip wasn’t a total loss, because what we read in that article is worth re-printing. Or, should we say: pre-printing? Anyway, here’s what we found:
Google vs. Facebook in 2012: How Is the SEO World Changed? 
by: Ali Husayni
February 12, 2012
If you haven’t signed up for Google+ and you haven’t migrated from Facebook, you’re among the remaining 35 percent of the social media late-boomers. Almost 65 percent of those who only used Facebook a year ago are Google+ fans now- while some still check their Facebook accounts.
Google once again has beaten another IT giant by building a more successful social media platform that is much savvier, easy to use and more intuitive than Facebook.
Only a few years ago, Google beat Yahoo! with its Gmail account and later bought YouTube to become the owner of the most visited sites on the planet.
As a result of Google+’s success, Facebook – which was at the top of the social media world just six months ago – lost more than 50 percent of its stock market value since July 2011.
So now the question is this: how does Google+ play into SEO, and how are we going to get our clients ranked at the top of Google (Google+ uses the same algorithm as Google search)?
How to Rank on Google
Since Google launched its new algorithm “Grizzly Bear” in December 2011, the results of every search you make today is unique to you and is based on the +1’s your friends, their friends, and friends of friends have given any particular website (given that you’re logged in to your Gmail account).
And in general, the more +1’s a site has, the better it ranks on Google.
This doesn’t mean the back-links have lost their importance, but rather, back-links now work hand-in-hand with +1’s.
SEO used to consist of three parts: content, optimization and back-links. Now +1 is another main factor in ranking on Google. Adding +1’s to your site is more difficult than the other three factors and thus “manipulating” Google SER’s is not as easy anymore.
Here is a short-list of what you need to do (in addition to what you already did) to rank better with Google:
1- Add the +1 button to ALL the pages of your site. Any visitor who goes to your site needs to have the ability to “vote” for your site.
2- Encourage your constituency (friends, clients) to +1 your site. This will increase the number of people you’re exposed to and therefore your +1’s will continue to grow.
3- Write GREAT content for your site and keep it up to date. As we have said for many years, become an authority in your field and be interesting for those who find your site.
4- Increase your site’s traffic in any shape or form possible. Run banner ads if you have to and sign up with Google Adwords. The more visitors your site gets, the better chance you have of getting +1’s.
The Future of Facebook Search
We expected Facebook to launch its search engine a while ago to compete with Google. But Microsoft took longer than expected to give the green light to Facebook and integrate its search algorithm with its partners’ social media platform. Now it seems to be too little, too late.
I conducted a few searches on FB search and compared the results with Google. Its weakness is that FB search only indexes sites that have been linked to from – leaving many sites out there un-indexed. Also, its algorithm is just based on the “likes” and on-site optimization and is leaving backlinks out. This is a fatal error of FB search developers.
I conclude that FB search is going to be a total failure just like Yahoo! and Bing and their merger. Google has more or less monopolized the search market, as well as the social media market. That, plus its advancements in word and spreadsheet processing, Google Maps, YouTube and their other FREE services, is going to guarantee their long-haul dominance over the Internet world.
But there are always ways to do things better, and Google needs to be very careful not to start late – as it did in the social media war. Google got lucky this time around, but it may not be so lucky the next time.

2012 Seo navigation structure tips for website and web pages to Inter links for top google rankings2012 Seo navigation structure tips for website and web pages to Inter links for top google rankings

Seo navigation friendly website navigation structure in 2012 is very important for search engine optimization process. The search engine optimization navigation labels are important with seo navigation links for every website or webpage. The seo navigation design 2012 is a structure of website that helps google crawlers to index web page on google search results in 2012 and 2013. ALT attributes and tags which we also call meta attributes and meta tags are important in website navigation structure for search engine optimization. These ALT attributes and tags are also called navigation labels that are considered by search engine crawlers for top indexing website 2012.

The search engine optimization website structure 2012 is well defined by website’s navigation site map that allow users and search engine crawler to give correct meaning what the website is about, this is the best SEO tip 2012 to categorize your website by search engines. For example, it is because CSS style sheet in wordpress guides google crawler to rate wordpress as blog in 2012.

In 2012 only navigation structure of website gives meaning to google search bots and visitors. Navigation structure of well structures seo friendly website give hierarchy of pages to search engine bots.

Best Search engine optimization navigation tip 2012 is to use CSS Navigation Arrays with Javascript. Remember pure flash and pure javascript are worst practice for search engine optimizing website in 2012 and 2013.
The best seo navigation tips 2012 are
  1. Broad line of subjects with detailed internal linked pages step by step for seo 2012.
  2. Use text links all around website, it helps search engine crawlers to read java scripts and flash for perfect seo navigation 2012.
  3. Do not use all down side menus for seo navigation, it harms and frustrates visitors.
  4. SEO Navigation Internal Links 2012 also doesnt mean to inter link every page. Internal linking between webpages should be well defined and justified for Search engine optimization navigation 2012.
  5. Use Css based navigation arrays in 2012 for seo.

Free Seo tips 2012 and free seo tricks for best seo blog optimization with Google’s 200 Ranking Factors

Free Seo tips 2012 are best seo tricks to top rank seo on keyword is create search engine optimized (seo) blog website 2012 with deep seo keyword research and seo keyword analysis. The SEO optimization tips are not a one day seo trick that would do the magic, seo tips tricks are long time process which requires Google’s 200 Ranking Factors seo consideration.
2012 Google’s 200 Ranking Factors that reveals Google’s secret ranking algorithm by Google CEO Eric Schmidt would rank best on first place with right seo.
Google’s 200 Ranking Factors List and use them as best Google seo tips 2012 that are absolutely free tricks seo to rank on first page
  • Google seo tip 1 – Great content
    Google seo tip 2 – KEYWORDS
    Google seo tip 3 – Acceleration of link popularity
    Google seo tip 4 – Affiliate site
    Google seo tip 5 – Age of link
    Google seo tip 6 – Age of page with respect to age of site
    Google seo tip 7 – All External links valid
    Google seo tip 8 – All Internal links valid
    Google seo tip 9 – Anchor text of inbound link to you
    Google seo tip 10 – Applied Semantics
    Google seo tip 11 – Associated legitimate sites
    Google seo tip 12 – Avoid session IDs
    Google seo tip 13 – Avoid link Exchange
    Google seo tip 14 – Aware of link farms
    Google seo tip 15 – Backlinks
    Google seo tip 16 – Bookmark add/ removal frequency
    Google seo tip 17 – Bouncing Ball Algorithm
    Google seo tip 18 – Change of Meanings
    Google seo tip 19 – Check outbound links for pagerank
    Google seo tip 20 – Check URL parameters
    Google seo tip 21 – Cloaking
    Google seo tip 22 – Competitor Attack
    Google seo tip 23 – Did user Bookmark page
    Google seo tip 24 – Directory Submission
    Google seo tip 25 – DMOZ category
    Google seo tip 26 – Do not use data from Content Farms
    Google seo tip 27 – Do not use invisible text
    Google seo tip 28 – Do not ban robots.txt on website for large area
    Google seo tip 29 – Domain Hijacking
    Google seo tip 30 – Domain Name Extension Top Level Domain – TLD
    Google seo tip 31 – DOMAIN OWNER BEHAVIOR :
    Google seo tip 32 – Domain Registration Time
    Google seo tip 33 – Duplicate content
    Google seo tip 34 – Dynamic Pages
    Google seo tip 35 – Efficient – tree-like structure
    Google seo tip 36 – Excessive Inter linking
    Google seo tip 37 – Excessive Javascript
    Google seo tip 38 – Expert site
    Google seo tip 39 – External pages- keywords
    Google seo tip 40 – File Size
    Google seo tip 41 – Frequency of change of anchor text
    Google seo tip 42 – Frequency of Content Change
    Google seo tip 43 – Frequency of Updates
    Google seo tip 44 – Freshness
    Google seo tip 45 – Freshness of Anchor Text
    Google seo tip 46 – Freshness of Links
    Google seo tip 47 – Freshness of Pages
    Google seo tip 48 – Gateway page or Entry page
    Google seo tip 49 – Google TOS violation
    Google seo tip 50 – Hijacked Duplicate content
    Google seo tip 51 – How they left, where they went
    Google seo tip 52 – HTML body
    Google seo tip 53 – HTML code violations
    Google seo tip 54 – HTML title tag
    Google seo tip 55 – HTML title of referrer page
    Google seo tip 56 – Hyphens in URL
    Google seo tip 57 – Image map link
    Google seo tip 58 – Include alternative text with Flash
    Google seo tip 59 – Incoming links from high-ranking pages
    Google seo tip 60 – Individual keyword density
    Google seo tip 61 – Intra-site linking
    Google seo tip 62 – Invisible text
    Google seo tip 63 – Javascript link
    Google seo tip 64 – Keep pages near root directory
    Google seo tip 65 – Keep low outbound links
    Google seo tip 66 – Keyword
    Google seo tip 67 – Keyword density in body text
    Google seo tip 68 – Keyword density on referring page
    Google seo tip 69 – Keyword dilution
    Google seo tip 70 – Keyword font size
    Google seo tip 71 – Keyword in alt text
    Google seo tip 72 – Keyword in Description meta tag
    Google seo tip 73 – Keyword in Domain name
    Google seo tip 74 – Keyword in H1, H2 and H3
    Google seo tip 75 – Keyword in Keyword metatag
    Google seo tip 76 – Keyword in links to site pages (anchor text)
    Google seo tip 77 – Keyword in Title tag
    Google seo tip 78 – Keyword in URL
    Google seo tip 79 – keyword phrase
    Google seo tip 80 – Keyword phrase order
    Google seo tip 81 – Keyword prominence (how early in page/tag)
    Google seo tip 82 – Keyword proximity (for 2+ keywords)
    Google seo tip 83 – Keyword stemming
    Google seo tip 84 – Keyword stuffing threshold
    Google seo tip 85 – Keywords – Other
    Google seo tip 86 – Less than 100 links out total
    Google seo tip 87 – links from .edu, and .gov sites
    Google seo tip 88 – Link from Expert site
    Google seo tip 89 – Link major images
    Google seo tip 90 – Link stability over time
    Google seo tip 91 – Link to a bad neighborhood
    Google seo tip 92 – Link-buying
    Google seo tip 93 – Linking to Authority
    Google seo tip 94 – Links from bad affiliates
    Google seo tip 95 – LSI
    Google seo tip 96 – NAVIGATION
    Google seo tip 97 – No body text on the page
    Google seo tip 98 – No Flash page
    Google seo tip 99 – No space, Pages dropped
    Google seo tip 100 – Number of outgoing links on referrer page
    Google seo tip 101 – Number of Page edits
    Google seo tip 102 – Other directories
    Google seo tip 103 – Outgoing link Anchor Text
    Google seo tip 104 – OUTGOING LINKS
    Google seo tip 105 – Over optimization penalty
    Google seo tip 106 – PAGE METRICS – USER BEHAVIOR:
    Google seo tip 107 – Page Rank
    Google seo tip 108 – PageRank of a page
    Google seo tip 109 – Page rank of the referring page
    Google seo tip 110 – Page Selection Rate – CTR
    Google seo tip 111 – Page SEO Factors
    Google seo tip 112 – Page SEO Factors
    Google seo tip 113 – Page Theming
    Google seo tip 114 – Page traffic
    Google seo tip 115 – Phrase-based filters
    Google seo tip 116 – Phrase-based penalties
    Google seo tip 117 – Phrase-based ranking
    Google seo tip 118 – Poison words
    Google seo tip 119 – Popularity of referring page
    Google seo tip 120 – Position of link on referrer page
    Google seo tip 121 – Prefer not to use subdomain
    Google seo tip 122 – Prior Site Ranking
    Google seo tip 123 – Rank Manipulation
    Google seo tip 124 – Redirect thru refresh metatags
    Google seo tip 125 – Referrer
    Google seo tip 126 – Referrer page  with Same theme
    Google seo tip 127 – Referrer page in Different theme
    Google seo tip 128 – Register .com domain over other available
    Google seo tip 129 – Robots.txt file off
    Google seo tip 130 – Server Reliability
    Google seo tip 131 – Single pixel links
    Google seo tip 132 – Site Age
    Google seo tip 133 – Site Size – big sites preferred
    Google seo tip 134 – Speed of the web site
    Google seo tip 135 – Stealing images
    Google seo tip 136 – Temporal Link Analysis
    Google seo tip 137 – Time spent on domain
    Google seo tip 138 – Time spent on page
    Google seo tip 139 – To internal pages- keywords
    Google seo tip 140 – Traffic Buying
    Google seo tip 141 – URL length
    Google seo tip 142 – Use keyword synonyms
    Google seo tip 143 – Use text Instead of Images
    Google seo tip 144 – Use of Frames
    Google seo tip 145 – User Behaviour
    Google seo tip 146 – Use noframes images tag
    Google seo tip 147 – Use 301 redirects
    Google seo tip 148 – Use hyphens in url
    Google seo tip 149 – Vile language
    Google seo tip 150 – Website Age – Old shows stability
    Google seo tip 151 – Website Age – Very New Boost
    Google seo tip 152 – Website Directory
    Google seo tip 153 – Website Factors
    Google seo tip 154 – Website listed in DMOZ Directory
    Google seo tip 155 – Website listed in inktomi
    Google seo tip 156 – Website listed in LookSmart Directory
    Google seo tip 157 – Website listed in Yahoo Directory
    Google seo tip 158 – Website Map
    Google seo tip 159 – Website Size
    Google seo tip 160 – Website Theming
    Google seo tip 161 – Website Traffic
    Google seo tip 162 – Website Navigation
    Google seo tip 163 – XML sitemap
    Google seo tip 164 – Zero links to website
    Google seo tip 165 – Google place submission
    Google seo tip 166 – Mark in Maps
    Google seo tip 167 – Sell Google checkout
    Google seo tip 168 – Use Secure mode
    Google seo tip 169 – Popularity of referring page
    Google seo tip 170 – Position of link on referrer page
    Google seo tip 171 – Prefer not to use subdomain
    Google seo tip 172 – Prior Site Ranking
    Google seo tip 173 – Rank Manipulation
    Google seo tip 174 – Keyword density in body text
    Google seo tip 175 – Keyword density on referring page
    Google seo tip 176 – Keyword dilution
    Google seo tip 177 – Keyword font size
    Google seo tip 178 – Keyword in alt text
    Google seo tip 179 – Natural keyword search
    Google seo tip 180 – Never redirect
    Google seo tip 181 – No redirection to New Domains
    Google seo tip 182 – Do not link very small images
    Google seo tip 183 – Write for people
    Google seo tip 184 – Do not use 302 redirection
    Google seo tip 185 – Do not change content regularly
    Google seo tip 186 – Keep check on copyright
    Google seo tip 187 – Do not use Ping Backs
    Google seo tip 188 – Check incorrect HTML
    Google seo tip 189 – Never use Flash splash
    Google seo tip 190 – Never create only flash websites
    Google seo tip 191 – Do not link to same page
    Google seo tip 192 – Avoid link circles
    Google seo tip 193 – Check broken links
    Google seo tip 194 – Never use automatic softwares
    Google seo tip 195 – Never use meta refresh tags
    Google seo tip 196 – Prefer php
    Google seo tip 197 – Never use same ip for reviews
    Google seo tip 198 – Stress on social media
    Google seo tip 199 – Do not rely completely on paid marketing
    Google seo tip 200 – Too many advertisements are spam
Know about best seo tips and tricks 2012
Best seo tips and tricks to rank better on Google 2012

2012 Seo Tutorials Step by Step for beginners seo tutorials 2012 to experts seo tutorials 2012. Best SEO tutorial free guide 2012

2012 SEO tutorial step by step for beginners would begin with basic website development. 2012 Seo tutorials for beginners and free SEO tutorial guide 2012  are sequence of steps to be followed for perfect search engine optimization 2012.
2012 Seo Tutorial Step by Step Process- Best 10 SEO tips 2012 for beginners

  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 1 step- Selection of product or service to be optimized for search engine results in 2012.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 2 step- Registering website domain and hosting services.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 3 step- Selection of Keyword related to product and services opted. Choose a mix of keywords are in list of high search keywords and low searched keywords.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 4 step- On-Page seo optimization 2012 includes Check for meta title, Meta tags, Meta description, meta keywords tag and Page heading
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 5 step- Home-Page seo optimization 2012 includes linking to all pages, targeted keywords and link homepage from every website page for perfect seo 2012.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 6 step- Website seo optimization 2012 includes navigation text, navigation images, alt text Image, site map, website inter links, deep linking and CSS external file.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 7 step- For Website seo optimization 2012 submit website to high page-rank directories.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 8 step- To rank high on google keyword search 2012 start building link program, they certainly help in top google ranking.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 9 step- Make website social networking friendly 2012 by use of facebook, twitter, digg and myspace. The social networking websites brings a lot of natural traffic to your website.
  • Seo tutorial 2012′s 10 step- Check website with duplicate content issues, do not post your content to any content farms in 2012 such as ezinearticles or articlebase.
These SEO tutorials 2012 would create basic seo friendly techniques for your website, these are best seo practice 2012 to rank high on Google search
SEO tutorial free guide 2012
SEO tutorial step by step 2012
engine. These basic seo tutorials guide will help you understand search engine optimization in a better way.

Best Seo Internal linking 2012 process for better Google Pagerank in 2012, top seo Internal linking Anchor Text explained for beginners to experts

Seo internal links in 2012 refer to internal links in html on website pages. Seo internal linking structure is very important for search algorithm calculations to give page rank in 2012 to website page. Seo internal linking strategy guides search engines about the important pages of website such as product category and sub product category.

SEO internal linking process can be explained in following points

  1. Anchor Text- Anchor Text in 2012 would guide search engine where you are linking web-page and why. Anchor text should be used for document seo 2012 to get on top results in the documents search. A very Descriptive Anchor text is useful for search engine optimization and use keywords targeted in anchor text for better search engine visibility in 2012. Click here anchor text or go to Anchor Text are one of the best anchor text for 2012 search engine optimization internal linking of web-pages.
  2. Image internal linking for SEO- Images are the best sources for
    know what is seo friendly linking process
    Best internal linking seo tips 2012 for ranking your web-page on top google search results ranking
    internal linking website for seo and image search. A very Descriptive Alt text is very useful for both search engine and visitors to check relevancy of pages. Be-aware of Image Alt Text Spamming issues, do not use words repeatedly and do not repeat content already written in text. Use Page Anchor text for better image internal linking for SEO in 2012.
  3. Broken Internal Links seo- Broken links displays poor internal link management for seo purpose, the links should be checked regularly for better search engine results 2012.
  4. Use only perfect links do not use any keyword that are not relevant to website. Use canonical links for better search engine visibility and even when content is copied it is reflected in search engine results.
  5. Optimize web-page for contextual links rather than keywords. Contextual links are more important internal linking seo 2012 rather than keyword targeted, link contextual links to primary targeted words in the context than keyword to be ranked on search engine.
  6. Size of page- Keep your page well below 25 k, optimization is hindered because of slow page load time.
  7. Number of Outbound links- Remember even if you are internally linking your page to more than 10 pages, there are fair chances for page to be spammed from Google search results. Do not link your page to more than 10 pages in any case.
  8. Use cascading style sheets (CSS) to link images and content- Css differs images from the content, even if you are using java-script on page it will still work out for your web-page. DHTML menus are best CSS based example for SEO 2012.
  9. Do not loose focus of page- Remember every website internal linking you are performing is for search engine optimization not for better appearance of web-page. Try to use keywords in H1 heading and h2 heading in 2012 for seo.

These are best internal linking seo tips 2012 for ranking your web-page on top google ranking with high Google page rank 2012.

What are Local Search engines? 2012 Local Search engine’s role in SEO, Case study of local search engines in India

Local search engines are specific geographic based websites or location search engine that acknowledge online user to find product or service in specific local area. Local search engines in 2012 are more used for search engine optimization or SEO purpose to help website to rank on top google results in 2012. These Local search engines in India also offers call centre services, people can call them to know about available product and services in thir local area.
Local search engines in India are primarily used to find products and services such as movie, restaurants, garments and other consumer based product on local search engines in India. The scope of local search India is very wide, the local search engines can be used to find industrial products such as heavy machineries, wire-saw accessories and many other industrial products on local search engines in India.
Use of Local Search Engines in India and Connection with search engine optimization
2012 Scope of local search engine in India is very wide, there is vast population with multiple industries such as consumer based, industry based, B2B local search engines and service based industries. If search engine marketing strategy is utilized properly by companies on search engine there are fairly high chances to rank on Google top search results in 2012.
People of India also have tendency to travel places which widens the scope of local search engine in India. People are eager to know about the products and hotels available in the area they are looking to travel and stay. This practice of traveling widens scope of local search engine in India.
List of local search engines in India or location based search engines India list
There are many search engines in India, but Best local search engine in India list or top local search engine in India list are
Case Study of local search engine in Udaipur
Even there is local search engine in Udaipur that is also operating with
Local search engine optimization
What are local search engines
success, Arya-Infoline Arya-Infoline is local search engine in Udaipur that provides list of companies that operates in various industries all over Rajasthan. The only problem with local search engine in Udaipur is the number of people searching on Internet currently. The future of local search engine is good in future but the only problem is surviving present situation.

Google seo check-list 2012 for website developement and web-page creation to rank website on top google results, Create Perfect SEO friendly website in 2012

Google SEO check-list 2012 for search engine optimization friendly website development and web-page creation. There are many website development factors to be considered for search engine optimization before launching website and after launch of website for perfect SEO friendly website. We are providing you authorized Google seo check-list for 2012 to avoid low ranking in Google search engine results. The check-list is planned and organised in order with respect of website creation and development.

Google Seo check-list 2012 are
Google Seo checklist Factor 1 Selection of Keywords- Select keywords with respect to your website from google keyword external tool. Check for both high traffic keywords and low traffic keywords to create a mix of keywords to rank on Google search engine Results. (
2012 Google Seo checklist Factor 2 URL or Domain Name- Select a domain name or url that matches with your keywords. Avoid using synonyms of keywords in URL, use only keywords in your website domain name or website URL.
Google Seo checklist Factor 3 Website layout and Website Design- Check, Analyse web design and layout structure of homepage and internal pages; check wether they comply with superior coding and cross browser. Navigation, broken links, Search Engine friendly technologies, website menu, text links, HTTP redirections, website uploading time,Canonicalization 2012, solid link structure and Doorway pages. This is one of best and perfect way for Search Engine Optimization.
Google Seo checklist Factor 4 Robots.txt and File Name- Include keywords in file name and try keep them close to root folder in the hosting panel. Use hyphens in 2012 in place of any special characters such as underscores, question mark; this is certainly the right practice in 2012 for file name. Remember to turn-on both Robots.txt and Meta Robots.txt————–Download here FREE GOOGLE optimization guide 2012
Google Seo check-list Factor 5 Content- Do not include any duplicate content from external website or your own web-page in 2012. The duplicate conent is allow google bots to spam web-page in google search results. Check Meta Keywords, bold text, Title Tag, Meta Heading, Internal links, anchor text and anchor description when linking every web-page. Do not use H1 heading on more than one on any website page, include H2 and H3 heading for highlighting any topic. This is most important for Search Engine Optimization.
Google Seo check-list Factor 6 Images- Add Alt text Image, caption,
Alt text Image and Image caption for seo
Top image seo tips 2012
alternate alt text and description to every image in website. Remember Images are one of the best ways to interlink web-pages.  This is most important factor for Image Search Engine Optimization.
Google Seo check-list Factor 7 Website SEO Hosting- Remember a truth website hosted on US hosting servers are always ranked higher than any regional hosting servers. Try to opt cloud hosting than shared hosting, cloud hosting 2012 are dedicated servers which really aids in ranking high on search results on google in 2012. Hosting Servers play a major role in Search Engine Optimization.
Google Seo check-list Factor 8 Website Coding Platform- The best coding platform for website in 2012 would be ASP.Net. I know PHP is most commonly used website code, but top search result or search engine optimization 2012 would be for website coded on ASP.Net platform in 2012. Remember coding is backbone for Search Engine Optimization, no SEO tips or tricks would give result until and unless website is not coded SEO  friendly .
Best Google SEO trick 2012 would be not to use any short-cut trick for search engine optimization 2012. Website life is too short to take chances for SEO, You will gain only .01% of what you have actually lost.

What is Search Engine 2012? Learn Search Engine Market Analysis for top seo 2012

Search engine 2012 is a computer based program that regains data and files from network based data base known as Internet. Search engine 2012 is an industry sector that is related to gather internet content and information followed with ranking based on relevance of searcher. The five main search engine giants in 2012 are,,, and These top five search engine of 2012 covers 99% of searches on the internet.
Search Engine Market Capital and Financial Report
The total market capitalization of all search engines is $196.9 billion. holds the highest search engine market capitalization share that is $159.1 billion and China INS Online Corp. is lowest among Search Engine Market Capital with just $1.035 million. The Earning per Share (EPS) of whole Search Engine Market Capital stands at +$.007 whereas stands at hishest with +$26.12 and lowest was for again China INS Online Corp. with negative $26.00.
S.No. Company Name (Tickr) Return
1 HealthStream (HSTML) 390.50%
2 Sina (SINAL) 231.70%
3 (REDFL) 231.40%
4 HSW International, Inc. (HSWIL) 177.00%
5 Vetro,Inc. (VTROL) 147.80%
6 Autobytel (ABTLL) 144.20%
7 IAC InterActiveCorp (IACIL) 132.30%
8 Geeknet,Inc. (GKNTL) 124.20%
9 Tucows (TCXL) 93.02%
10 TechTarget,Inc. (TTGTL) 88.86%
11 WebMD (WBMDL) 51.73%
12 (TSCML) 44.93%
13 InfoSpace (INSPL) 32.89%
14 Global Sources (GSOLL) 32.49%
15 LookSmart (LOOKL) 24.59%
16 Knot (KNOTL) 20.73%
17 Google (GOOGL) 16.39%
18 Market Leader, Inc. (LEDRL) 14.74%
19 (SOHUL) 9.83%
20 Move (MOVEL) -0.47%
Search engine in 2012 are going to be more based on Financial data and Social data. The one of the best example of social data is Facebook, the facebook has complete analysis of social data such as what people like and dislike. Search Engine market Analysis are going to be a serious matter for financial analyst in 2012.
Search engine in 2012 can also survive by analyzing financial data of various companies to provide right search results. The financial data is going to be highest searched keyword in 2012, as job, career, loans and Investment all are part of finance.
Highest search engine market capitalization share
Search Engine Financial Market Capitalization Report
We are Udaipur based SEO company at and you can contact us on +91-9828083985 and

Seo trends 2012- Learn google seo and recent trends in seo

Latest Seo trends 2012 for SEO optimization with Google search results and prediction of recent trends in SEO 2012 are
1. Google Local Search- Google places are one of the latest trends in seo by Google is high ranking to website listed on Google places. The results of website rank high on google search results.
2. Social search- Website pages active on social network website such as Facebook and Twitter rank much higher than their competitors. It leads to rise of Social Media Marketing 2012 along with Search Engine optimization 2012.
3. Mobile Search Optimization 2012- Mobile devices now works exactly same as any Firefox browser, Internet explorer or Google Chrome in 2012. With the introduction of 3G technology in 2011, it is very essential to optimize websites for mobile search optimization 2012.
4. User Profile- The profile of company and individuals are going to play major role in 2012 search results. We know that google search engine in 2011 do not deliver right search results, the google search engine is biased from SEO and SEM results. The google search engine is going to give high ranking to verified websites and user profiles in 2012.
5. Knowledge- Knowledge farms such as Google knowledge are going to rank much higher than website and digital news media.
6. Different Search results from every IP address- Since results will be
website seo trends
Latest Seo trends 2012 for seo optimzation with google places
based on locations, so every IP address will display a different result. The best example would to search news on and
7. Spamming- Spamming would persist as one of the biggest problem for google seo analysis. Google need to check spamming issues and check for original content and images.
8. Videos- Videos Seo trends are going to new source for goole search with improved Meta Tags, Meta description and Meta analysis are going to take SEO on a new level and with a complete new stream. We have seen youtube and bing & yahoo are both ready for making new youtube with better feature and technology.

These will SEO Trends 2012 and new challenges for SEO optmizers and companies.

Mobile Website SEO 2012 and Mobile website optimization seo tips. Mobile SEO steps by step Tutorial

Mobile website development and mobile website SEO is very important in 2012 beacuse of increasing mobile website users at 1800% every year. Developing Mobile website optimization for SEO friendly under guidelines of w3c validation is very important for every website owner. It is true to say  that people are going to use only mobile website after 2012.
Mobile website SEO step by step tutorials and Mobile website SEO tips 2012 are
1. Mobile Site Map- Mobile Website developer can get mobile site map from google webmaster. Mobile Site Map is most important factor for mobile website Search engine optimization, remember to create <mobile:mobile/> to crawl mobile website by google for top search results.
2. Mobile Site Map File- Make different configuration file for every mobile site map.
3. Submit to Googlebot Mobile- Google has created a new bot to crawl mobile website, it is recommended to submit your mobile website to Google webmasters to rank high on SEO.
4. Meta Data- Do not submit long meta description, meta title and meta tags when it comes to mobile websites. Googlebot mobile gives lower rank to website with big meta data.
5. Size of mobile website page- Try to keep website page as small as you can, Heavy webpages again ranks low on SEO. The ideal mobile website page size is 23.5k, so better friendly mobile website SEO keep a check on size of web-page.
6. Avoid masking passwords- Mobile website should not mask passwords, as screen is already very small so really there is no use to mask password in mobile website.
7. Accesskeys- Accesskeys are one of the best practices to be used for mobile website optimization. It create and aids search engine to draw results based on queries.
8. Semantic Structure- Do not forget to use proper semantic structure (h1, h2) in the mobile website, which is currently the biggest issue in SEO of mobile websites.
9. CSS- Make website based on CSS in place of tables with w3c guidelines and
Mobile website optimization seo tips
Mobile website optimization seo tips and tutorials
10. Submit to mobile search engines- Submit your website to mobile search engines, Google, Yahoo and Bing have their own search engines. It is adviced to submit mobile websites to these search engines.
11. Key Content- Place your keyword or key content in the begining of the page for better search engine optimization of mobile website.
These are best practices for mobile website search engine optimization in 2012. These 11 seo tips for mobile website would play important role in their top rankings on google and bing in 2012.