10 Technical SEO tips to improve site SERPs and traffic

Thursday, November 17, 2011

SEO is not just about keywords in page content and link building; SEO has to be implemented in technical side too. If you are thinking of improving your SERPs and traffic, you need to follow the below mentioned SEO technical tips.

(1) Make sure you 301 redirect http://yoursite.com to http://www.yoursite.com (or either).

(2) Sort your site duplicate content issue by 301 redirection from http://www.yoursite.com/index.php to http://www.yoursite.com (goes with all page extensions like /.asp, /.htm, /.aspx and so).

(3) Have your site page URL search engine friendly. A page URL should not look like www.yoursite.com/innerpage?id=203. Have it with the desired page name, something like www.yoursite.com/203/your-name.

(4) If your site has N number of page and also if you post couple of content every day then it is recommended to have dynamic web sitemap & XML sitemap.

(5) Improve your site speed by resolving errors and optimizing image size.

(6) Have unique title for all dynamic pages. You can hardcode the system to have the page name in titles (Services or products).

(7) Configure custom 404 page for your website or point 404 to you sitemap.

(8) Use Google webmaster URL removal tool to get rid of unwanted page & broken link index.

(9) Use rel=" nofollow" to a link un-trusted page i.e. when you refer to a content through a link.

(10) Reduce tables & make use of external JavaScript & CSS file for scripts & styles handling.

Why natural backlinks are more important than artificial backlinks?

To be simple website's Search engine ranking works based on quality content and backlinks. The ultimate point we need to think about is to write fresh and informative content for users and not to write rephrasing content for Google and other major search engines. Your readers will love to give a link to your web page content only when it is found unique. This natural backlink has more weight age than your artificial backlinks such as directories submission, web page posting and so.

Content that attracts readers are given more importance by Google and other search engines. Readers who link to your webpage would be high and with right anchor text your web page will be boosted link anything.

Artificial backlinks needs more time and effort and to find the right sites for submission is not so easy. As per Google guidelines, paid links submission without “nofollow” attribute will be a big cause for penalty. Even if you pay for links with “nofollow” attribute, the link juice flow doesn't work like before. Instead if you put more efforts for writing quality content then over night you will have a high chance of getting more natural backlinks from your readers. 

Writing quality content is a onetime effort. It automatically works for you round the clock but link submission is a repeated process. It is not that you need not get links from quality human edited directory; it is as simple as that you need to give more importance to write quality content to get natural backlinks and it grows as it reaches mass audience. Through researches it is found that natural backlinks brings more relevant users and conversion level is high.

SEO tips and hints for 2012 released!

SEO tips changes and also gets updated day by day. Here is a list of SEO tips that can work for 2012.

(1) Get links from reputed person’s social media profiles.

(2) Include G+ in all your webpage.

(3) Have complete profile information on Google plus/Google profilesand link it from your webpage.

(4) Get G+ for your webpage from reputed persons.

(5) Get natural links from readers by writing quality content.

(6) Add Facebook like and share buttons to your webpage and promote through social networks.

(7) Include rich snippet to your web pages and indicate through rich snippet form for validation.

(8) Write quality content for users and not for search engines.

(9) Do not get links from paid directories without "nofollow" links. Go for paid directories only for traffic and not for ranking.

(10) Include your business information in Google places. This is the best place for getting local search traffic.

(11) Have monthly press release with right content and links.

(12) Participate in related forums. Engage posters and get engaged too.

(13) Do blogging and start valuable commenting on follow link blogs.

(14) Write keyword rich text in alt attributes. Especially on the images that are on top of the web pages.

(15) Get users reviews if you have a selling page and make sure that rich snippet works.

(16) Work on the low positioned search keywords that you see in analytics.

(17) Analyse webmasters tools and work on the pages that generate impressions and not clicks.

(18) Include all open WebPages in XML sitemap and inform Google & Bing through webmaster tools.

(19) Optimize your page title with search keywords only when you have unique content.

(20) Optimize your WebPages with right unique Meta description that speaks short about the webpage content.

(21) Add H tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) towards the page heading and sub headings without keyword stuffing.

(22) Have text links in header and footer of the WebPages.

(23) Add a sitemap to a website.

(24) Add breadcrumbs to the WebPages.

(25) Have one homepage for a site. Redirect http://yourdomain.com to http://www.yourdomain.com and http://www.yourdomain.com/default.html to http://www.yourdomain.com.

(26) Make sure you balance keyword frequency, keyword prominence andkeyword density.

(27) Make SEO friendly URLs with keyword rich page names.

(28) Use hyphens (-) instead for underscore (_) for web page name.

(29) Have CSS (Style sheets) in external file.

(30) Have JavaScript’s in external file.

(31) Make sure that the site loads fast.

(32) Have the home page size (KB) to the minimum.

(33) Use < p > tags for page contents.

(34) Use < b > tags for important texts in contents.

(35) Do link building with trusted directories.

(36) Create a mobile site and build it search engine friendly.

(37) Always be a leaner of SEO.

Keep following this page. I would be adding more SEO tips for 2012 as I derive from practical experiences and industry updates.

Social media tips for 2012 - Best Practices & Hints

The power of Social Media is reaching heights. Social media along withSEO can make difference in your online business traffic. Here are the Social Media tips that can work for the year 2012 to reach your audience.

(1) Research using social media monitoring tools to find what your customers speak about you.

(2) Write interesting facts that makes your content read.

(3) Spend on social media marketing only after you research on your customers.

(4) Share industry expert’s write-ups with your network.

(5) Post information’s on social media.

(6) Know people who go with your theme and follow on Twitter.

(7) Have provisions for people to contact you for feedback.

(8) Engage your Facebook fans.

(9) Have your profile information updated.

(10) Select a good username for social media accounts (Mine is jagadeeshmp).

(11) Expand your social media network by sharing quality content.

(12) Create a Google profile and sign up in Google plus. Add circles and interact with interesting links.

(13) Do not only share links that you own. Share all links that are interesting.

(14) Create a YouTube channel, customize based on your website theme and have video content on your selling services, products and interesting facts.

(15) Add link to your social media accounts from your site pages.

(16) Use Bookmarking & Sharing services that have all your social media sites.

(17) Participate in discussion forums, communities and groups. Learn and contribute.

(18) Keep monitoring on new social media sites.

5 Google web marketing tools that is not common

Google provides many free tools to help SEO’s and webmasters to market website online and as well to measure the ongoing traffic. Here is a list of tools that are not common and making use of these tools will improve your online presence and as well help to measure your online traffic.

(1) URL tagging tool - This Google Analytics URL builder tool will help you to fill in the form information like Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, Campaign Term, Campaign Content and Campaign Name and click the Generate URL button for the tagging URL.

The tagging URL will look like http://www.seoaday.com/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=example

Tool URL - http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?answer=55578

(2) Rich Snippet tool - This Rich Snippets Testing Tool will help to check your structured data markup and it shows how Google display your URL in search results.

The Rich Snippets will look like below,

Tool URL - http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets

(3) Crawl URL tool - This tool helps you to submit pages to the Google Index and which doesn't require ownership verification. So you can submit any URLs that you like.

Tool URL - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url

(4) Page Speed Service tool - This tool is for requesting access to the Google Page Speed Service. If your site is too big with loads of information and you like to speed up your website then you need to give it a try. This service is a limited service.

Tool URL - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dDdjcmNBZFZsX2c0SkJPQnR3aGdnd0E6MQ&ndplr=1

(5) Page Speed Online check tool - This tool helps to measure the website performance and provides optimization suggestions for developers.

The page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Help... got an overall Page Speed Score of 90 (out of 100)
Tool URL - https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/

Apart from the above tools, there are many widely used common tools like Google webmaster tools, Google keywords tool, Google insight,Google trends and Google traffic estimator.